Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Frank's Pizza

What can we sya about Frank's Pizza? It is the second best pizza restaurant in the Wilmington area, it's been around for forever, and it's family owned and operated. Located in Carolina Beach, in the center of the boardwalk area, Frank's is a staple of CB residents, tourists, and Wilmingtonians.

Sauce: The sauce tastes really fresh and is really tomatoey.

Cheese: Frank's puts a lot of cheese on and it is high grade stuff. They top it off with a lot of seasoning as well, which really adds to the pie.

Crust: The undercrust is super thin, but not burnt. The outer crust is really great as well. Sometimes, bubbles will pop up in the crust and they have had this problem for a few years. They are working on correcting it, and i see them popping the bubbles every now and then during the baking process. The last few pizzas i have had have not had many bubbles and have been really good.

Price: The price is really good considering that you are right on the beach. A large cheese will set you back about $13.00

Atmosphere: The attitude is laid back. People come in right off the beach and get slices. It is air conditioned, and the smell is intoxicating. The seating is table and chairs that run along the one side of the building.

Drawbacks: Bubbles in the crust occaionally.

Rating: 9.5 out of 10

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fat Tony's

Fat Tony's is definitely one of the best pizza places in Wilmington. It probably ranks in my top three favorites. The pizza is so well rounded, every part of the pizza is spot on when it comes to NY style pizza. They have two locations, one is downtown on Front St. and the other is on racine drive near UNCW. They don't just do pizza either, they have classic Italian dishes like lasagna that they do really well too. They have been around for years and are still making great pies.

Sauce: The sauce is the perfect consistency and has a really great flavor. It is seasoned well and an ample amount is put on the pizza.

Cheese: Really good, high quality, stringy cheese. They put a lot on and it has a good amount of grease, which i love.

Crust: The crust is cooked perfectly, it is crispy and thin and still has that NY style "foldability" to it. The crust isn't bland and is easy to pull apart.

Price: The price is a little more than i would like to pay, but it is definitely worth it. It's like $13.99 for a cheese and toppings are $2.00 after that.

Atmosphere: When i was there, it was dimly lit, with a bunch of little lights casting shadows everywhere, very nice. Staff was really friendly and paid a lot of attention to you.

Drawbacks: A little pricy.

Rating 9 out of 10

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Princess Pizza

Princess Pizza was a very promising new pizza restaurant in the downtown area. I was eating there right after it opened and everything was going great until a woman and her child came in. The woman wanted to use the bathroom and he told her it is for paying customers, that's reasonable. Then, she bought some chips and headed towards the bathroom, and he yelled at her that it was "not enough to use the bathroom." Then he told her to get out. Do not eat there. This guy was the owner and i have never been back and do not recommend for anyone to support this place.

Rating: 0 out of 10

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pizetta's Pizza

Pizetta Pizza has not been around for very long in Wilmington, but it rivals the big dogs of pizza in our town. It is located on Oleander Dr. next to Tazy's Burgers and across from Flaming Amy's. It is where Cosmo's Pizza used to be. It opened up a few months ago i was surprised at how good it was.

Sauce: Really great flavor and consistency. Has enough oregano and seasonings in it. The sauce is savory, not sweet. They also put just the right amount of sauce on the pizza.

Cheese: The cheese is very good. They put a lot of it on the pizza and it is high quality. It also has just the right amount of greasiness to it.

Crust: The under crust is thin, crispy and has a good taste all on its own. Definitely one of the best crusts out there. The outer crust could use a little work. It has the same great flavor, but it can get a little too crispy and hard.

Toppings: Toppings are fresh and have a nice crunch when you bite into them. Also, they put plenty of them on the pie.

Price: The price is a little more than the average price you will find in Wilmington, but this is not your average pizza. I paid like $20 for a large white pizza after tax and it was definitely worth it. It was one of the best white pizzas i have ever had. However, they do have lunch specials for those on a budget.

Atmosphere: The atmosphere is very nice in Pizetta's. The staff are very friendly and seem eager to help wherever they can. Only tables, no booths in the place, but they are nice looking tables. They all have this dark colored wood which makes the restaurant feel very comfortable. It is air conditioned and they make the pizzas right in front for all to see.

Variety: I have had several different types of pizza there so far and they all have been good. I have had the sicilian, the barbeque, the cheese, and the white. It seems that whatever they make you can rest assured that it will be good.

Drawbacks: The price and the crust can be too crispy sometimes.

Rating: 9 out of 10

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Avanti Pizza

Avanti Pizza opened up a few months ago and is located on market st. where rudy's pizza used to be. The story of this pizza is "a little more." The pizza was good, but it could have been a lot better if they had added just "a little more" of everything.

Sauce: The sauce was the right consistency and had a good flavor, but it could have used a little more seasoning. Also, it had crushed red pepper in it, which i didn't particularly care for. For those of you who like a little kick with your pizza, you'll like it.

Cheese: The cheese was lacking in the quantity department. Once again, the pizza could have used "a little more" cheese. The cheese wasn't as greasy as i would have liked. It could have used "a little more."

Crust: The outer crust was flavorful and i actually liked it, but the under crust is where it all went terribly wrong. It could have used a few more minutes in the oven to make it a little crispier and the bottom was caked in flour. I like a little flour or cornmeal on the bottom of my pizza, but this was way too much.

Price: The price was very good at $9.99 for a 16" large. However, i would have gladly paid another dollar or two for more cheese and seasonings.

Atmosphere: They had a mix of tables and booths. It was well lit and there were a lot of nice pictures on the wall. The staff was very nice and helpful. I also liked that they served my pizza with real plates instead of paper plates. Finally, the kitchen is right in front and you can watch them make the pizza.

Drawbacks: The location is pretty far up there on market st. and if you didn't already know where it was, it would be hard to spot from the road. Pizza could have used "a little more."

Rating: 6 out of 10

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Goodfella's Pizza

They may be Goodfellas, but they are not good pizza makers. Goodfella's Pizza is one of the newest pizza places in Wilmington. They opened up a few months ago and looked very promising, but it was a huge disappointment. They are located in University Landing where the Krazy Pizza used to be. I have got to say that this is one of the worst pizzas i have ever had. In all my years of feasting on pizza, i have never had a pizza that was made with such little effort.

Sauce: I don't even know if i should call it sauce because it didn't even resemble sauce. It was orange and i couldn't tell if there was any tomato in it, let alone seasonings like oregano. I will call it orange soup and it was bland and horrifying.

Cheese: The cheese was ok, just your typical mozzarella and still no seasoning.

Grease: Really no grease on the pizza, and you know i like my grease.

Crust: The crust was bland, tough and chewy. Absolutely terrible.

Price: I shouldn't have paid anything for the pizza, they should have paid me to throw it away. It was like $13.99 for a 16" cheese and that was way too much.

Toppings: I didn't get any. My philosophy is that you have to try just the cheese pizza when you first try a pizza place and then move on from there. I couldn't force myself to go back and get a pizza with toppings.

Atmosphere: The atmosphere was pleasant. The color scheme was your usual red and white for a pizza place, the staff was friendly, and the seating was comfortably spaced.

Variety: The menu was traditional menu fare with pizza, subs and salads.

Drawbacks: They didn't have a credit card machine and the food.

Rating: 1 out of 10. Do not eat here, the sooner they close the better.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wilmington's House of Pizza

Wilmington's House of Pizza is the newest pizza place to hit the Wilmington area. It is located where the old Cubbie's used to be on College rd. Out of the past three places to open p within the past few months, this one is my favorite. The menu features traditional pizza restaurant fare, along with burgers and even gyros.

Sauce: For those of you like to go light on the sauce, this is the perfect pizza for you. It is actually more like a really good cheesy bread. What little sauce there is tastes good, but i think there should be more of it and have a little more seasoning.

Cheese: The cheese was very good, it was very stringy and had the perfect amount of grease.

Crust: The crust department is lacking a little. It is not very flavorful on its own, it definitely has to be paired with the rest of the pizza. It is also different than your average crust. Its a little more cracker-like.

Toppings: Toppings are good but nothing special.

Price: A large 16" is only $7.50. I would say that for the price, this is one of the best deals for pizza in Wilmington. Its not the best pizza, but its good and cheap.

Atmosphere: Wide open spaces is the best way to describe it. There is a lot of rooms and a lot of tables. More than they probably need. Seating is comfortable, but nothing elaborate or exotic.

Variety: The menu has a lot of variety. As mentioned earlier, it has burgers and gyros. One thing i think is weird is that they open at 7 am to serve breakfast.

Drawbacks: They are closed on Sundays and when you leave you might have to wait a minute to get out if you are heading towards market st. Making a left out of there is a pain.

Rating: 7 out of 10

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I Love NY Pizza

Just for a little background info, my name is Ian Hobbs and I have eaten at every single pizza place in Wilmington. You can go through the phone book and online and you will not be able to name a pizza place that i haven't been to. I am going to start off this blog with the best pizza that is offered in Wilmington, NC. That place is I Love NY Pizza. Located in the heart of downtown at 28 north front st, it is the quintessential establishment for dining on pizza.

Sauce: The sauce is bold and flavorful and has just the right consistency. It has the perfect amount of Italian seasonings.

Cheese: The cheese is high quality and they add an ample amount to the pie.

Grease: The grease content of the pizza is just right.

Crust: The "under crust" is thin and crispy, but not burnt. The outer crust is crispy on the outside and chewy in the middle and crust can stand alone by itself; it's not bland like some dough can get.

Toppings: The toppings are fresh and always good.

Price: Price is about average for what you'll find in the area, definitely worth it.

Atmosphere: I Love NY Pizza is a small place with limited seating, but it's cozy. It has a big city feel which includes pictures of New York City. It is well lit and has some cool neon green lights around it.

Variety: They have a myriad of different pizzas and they are all fantastic.

Drawbacks: They only accept cash.

Rating: 10 out of 10